Project Brief

Client: Governa AI

Industry: Aged Care & Healthcare

Project Duration: 5 months

Services Provided: AI Integration, Web Application Design, Development, and Deployment

The aged care sector faces stringent regulatory standards, and compliance can be a significant burden for facilities of all sizes. Our client, Governa AI, sought a solution that could leverage AI to streamline the complex landscape of regulatory compliance in aged care. They required an advanced compliance framework that would help aged care providers not only maintain but also excel in adhering to new standards, reducing risk, and improving overall care quality. Our task was to design and develop an AI-powered platform that automated compliance tracking, risk management, and continuous improvement, all while being user-friendly and adaptable to different facility sizes.

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Beyond Surface Level AI Solutions

Project Outcome

The Governa AI platform successfully addressed the unique challenges faced by aged care providers, offering a comprehensive AI-driven compliance framework. This solution enabled real-time compliance tracking, automated risk management, and an enhanced incident reporting system, all while reducing the administrative burden on staff.

Fully automated compliance tracking and risk management
AI-powered continuous improvement plans that adapt based on real-time feedback
A 40% reduction in time spent on compliance-related tasks
Enhanced accuracy and consistency in incident reporting and audits
Positive feedback from aged care facilities on ease of use and significant time savings
Beyond Surface Level AI Solutions

Design Process

The design of Governa AI's platform was centered around user experience and AI-driven insights. Our goal was to develop an intuitive system that simplifies complex regulatory requirements while making advanced AI tools accessible to aged care providers.


Research & User Interviews

We conducted comprehensive research, interviewing aged care facility managers and compliance officers to understand their pain points. We identified the need for simplicity and automation as key drivers in the platform design.


Wireframing & Prototyping

We created detailed wireframes and prototypes that focused on minimizing the number of steps needed to complete tasks. User testing with aged care professionals guided our iterative design improvements.


UI/UX Design

The interface was designed with clarity and accessibility in mind. It features an easy-to-navigate dashboard that allows users to track compliance metrics, monitor risks, and generate reports quickly. AI-enhanced analytics were integrated seamlessly into the user flow to provide actionable insights

The design process was agile, allowing us to make continuous improvements based on user feedback and changing compliance requirements.

Development Process

The development of Governa AI involved creating an intelligent backend system capable of processing large amounts of regulatory data while delivering actionable insights through AI. The project was divided into multiple sprints to ensure each feature was fully developed and tested before moving on to the next phase

Technology Stack

The frontend was built using React.js, with Python and TensorFlow powering the AI models on the backend. The application was hosted on a cloud-based infrastructure to allow scalability as the user base grew.

AI Integration

AI models were developed to handle real-time compliance tracking, risk prediction, and continuous improvement recommendations. These models were trained on data from aged care facilities and regulatory guidelines, ensuring they provided relevant and accurate results.

Development Phases

The development process was divided into three key phases: compliance tracking and incident reporting, AI-powered risk management, and continuous improvement plans. Each phase included rigorous testing and validation with real-world data to ensure accuracy and reliability.

API Integrations

The platform integrated seamlessly with existing aged care management software, enabling providers to access compliance tools without disrupting their current workflows.


Given the sensitive nature of the data being handled, we implemented advanced security measures, including encryption, secure user authentication, and compliance with privacy regulations.

Release & Post-Launch

Launch Date: August 2024

The Governa AI platform was launched successfully, with an initial rollout to select aged care facilities. The post-launch phase included user training, feedback collection, and rapid iteration to enhance the platform based on real-world usage. Within weeks, the platform was fully deployed across multiple aged care organizations, delivering tangible improvements in compliance management and operational efficiency.

Ongoing support and updates were provided to ensure the platform remained aligned with evolving regulatory standards. Governa AI continues to receive positive feedback from users, who appreciate the streamlined compliance process and the significant reduction in administrative workload.